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Evaluering af flytteprojektet ved Universitetsmuseet i Bergen i perioden 2012 til 2014

Maiken Ploug Riisom
Education degree
Subject area
Study programme
Master in Conservation

I efteråret 2012 påbegyndte Universitetsmuseet i Bergen en omfattende flytteprojekt. Dette havde til formål at forbedre bevaringsforholdene ved bygningen af et nyt centralmagasin til godt 50.000 objekter, som skulle flyttes. Projektet centraliseredes endvidere om Naturhistorisk Museum, hvis bygning skulle renoveres indvendig, og derfor måtte tømmes for genstande, men også et magasin på Kulturhistorisk Museum skulle tømmes på grund af meget dårligt klima og skadedyrsangreb.

Projektet blev udført efter en flyttemodel, som indbefattede pakning, rengøring og digital registrering af alle objekter, som iberegnede en individuel tilstandsvurdering, samt dokumentation af udstillinger, som skulle demonteres, og et objektfoto af de enkelte objekter. Projektet var ikke et reviderings- eller konserveringsprojekt, men havde til formål at flytte objekter så sikkert som muligt til det nye magasin, uden dybdegående forundersøgelser. De første to år af projektet er evalueret, og konklusionen er, at der er planlagt for kort tid til det overordnede formål. Projektet blev forlænget ind i 2015.

Nøgleord: præventiv konservering, flytning, tilstandsvurdering, pakning, samlinger, IPM, arbejdssikkerhed, pesticider.

In the fall of 2012 the University Museum of Bergen initiated an extensive moving project, with the goal to improve preservation conditions for the collections, this by building a new central storage facility for around 50.000 objects that needed moving. The project was focused on evacuating objects from the Natural History Museum, which was in need of renovation. In addition, the Museum of Cultural History also had a vast collection in poor storage, affected by pests, that needed to be moved. The project was constructed after a general model which included packing, cleaning and digital registration of all objects. Furthermore, all exhibitions as well as all individual objects that were being dismantled were fotodocumented, The project was not an active conservation project nor was it intended to review the collections. The objective was solely to move objects from bad storage to good without extensive preliminary studies. In this paper the two first years are evaluated and it is being concluded that there was not sufficient time to carry out the task or reach the objective. The project was extended into 2015.

Keywords: preventive conservation, moving, condition assessment, packing, collections, IPM, health and safety, pesticides.