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Bruges til grafiske elementers tilstand

Seminar: Indiscipline - the first act of an incomplete manifesto for graphic design as a living thing

16:30 - 18:00
Fabrikmestervej 4, bygning 90, lokale 90.2.01
1437 Købehavn K

Center for Research in Codesign (CODE) are happy to invite to an open seminar with Inês Veiga, Graphical designer and PhD student from Department of Architecture, University of Lisbon. 

Indiscipline… is the first act of an incomplete manifesto for graphic design as a living thing. A tool to pry open the everyday and the imaginary of graphic designers for crafting potentials to act critical (social, political and ethical) values and beliefs from within their own practices. 

The path to open-ended and non-reproductive graphic design futures is made from wider and wild heterogeneous and complex moves, connections, relations and intractions. Yet, designers carry less (implied roles to fulfil, tasks to be done, premeditated ends, targets to accomplish) and that enables them to entangle the dynamisms of the present and propose what become democratic and meaningful makings in the particular worlds they care and set out to act.

Potentially expanding into still other and more lives and things, the question is not: is this true? But: does it work? In design terms, what new thoughts does this make possible to think? What new emotions does this make possible to feel? What new sensations and perceptions does this open in the mind and body of a professional graphic designer? 

Taking down assumptions and deterministic approaches through accounts of empirical design research experiments, “Indiscipline” is a seminar that aims to invite a hopeful and free experimental approach to graphic design. As a first of several acts (that might also constitute as objects, performances, digital or analogue...) giving form to standpoints for pragmatic, open-ended, fundamentally inclusive and relational graphic design actions, one the most crucial manifestos in the history of graphic design, “First Things First” published in 1964 and later revisited in 2000, is entangled to provoke debate on how might graphic designers operate to enact useful, lasting and democratic forms and acts of communication.

Please send a mail to Eva Brandt ( if you want to attend the seminar.

About Inês Veiga

Inês Veiga is a trained as a Graphic designer. She graduated in 2008 from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon. Between 2008-2013, she worked at thisislove studio (Lisbon). Not coming to terms with what design work is (or can be) in ‘the real world’, in 2010 she took part in !mpact Design for Social Change 6-week summer course at the School of Visual Arts (New York). 
Coming through as an encouragement, she began to search for ways to actually transform her design practice. Inês began her PhD studies in 2013. Starting with an extensive literature review on several expressions associated, she has been collaborating with GESTUAL, other designers, artists and activists in ‘Right to the city’, participatory and social change processes in few neighborhoods in Greater Lisbon. 

Inês is a visiting researcher at CODE until August 2016.