MSc in Conservation

The Academy Master’s programme in Conservation  expands on your professional Bachelor education in the areas of active and preventive conservation etc., enabling you to: take a critical stance in relation to knowledge on the subject; identify relevant academic issues; master scientific methods and equipment; evaluate and select scientific methods, equipment and solutions; and to disseminate and discuss issues of both a professional and academic nature to/with both peers and non-specialists. The education is based on the highest level of international research in the area of conservation.

Glyptoteket: Studerende på arbejde i marken

The education provides you with the expertise to work independently and to manage work and development processes, which are complex and unpredictable, and require innovative solutions.

You will be able independently to initiate and implement professional conservation and interdisciplinary collaborations as a conservator, and take responsibility for your own professional development and specialisation. 

On successful completion of a Master degree, you are awarded the title: MSc (Conservation).